World What's Up!
Natalie grew up on the Isle of Wight and has worked as an NHS GP in Tower Hamlets for the past 20 years. She is now leaving the job she loves to focus on women's health and the growing pandemic of dementia. Natalie has travelled the UK as well as the USA and Europe to see how different places manage dementia. Some of her findings have been absolutely fascinating. Her new book THE DEMENTIA REVOLUTION will be out soon!
World What's Up!
World What's Up! Season 2 Episode 8 Part 1 Gordana Micic Stand Up Comedian/Busines woman
Andy James
Season 2
Episode 8
Gordana Micic, aka Gordi, is a force of nature and a wonderful human being to boot. She is also a comedian, dancer, producer, writer, actor, scientist, engineer, pilot, managing consultant, mother and… a very bad cook! We had a really lovely conversation which you can hear now and Part Two next week.
She talks about her early life, smuggling people out of Serbia to safety (putting her own life at risk) and being a business woman in a male donated world.